USA Triathlon is committed to transparency in revisions to its bylaws and policies, among other business affairs and activities of the organization, and proactivity in its communication and information sharing. Additionally, USA Triathlon and the Board of Directors are dedicated to fostering an environment that encourages feedback and commentary from the community and constituents.
Annual members are the foundation of the USA Triathlon, and an engaged membership is vital in continuing to move the organization, community and sport forward.
Please direct feedback, comments and questions to Joel Rosinbum, Chair of the USA Triathlon Board of Directors, at or USA Triathlon Legal Counsel at and
Proposed Bylaw Changes
The majority of proposed revisions of the USA Triathlon Bylaws include additions either required or recommended by the USOPC pursuant to the USOPC audit of USAT in 2022-2023, or corrections to language that is contradictory or unclear.
In Section 8.4, Committees and Athlete Representation, the proposed Bylaw changes add a USOPC requirement that Athlete representation on Designated Committees must equal at least 33.3%. Additionally, the proposed Bylaws define Designated Committee as having the same meaning “Standing Committees”. Likewise, the proposed language defines “Committees other than Designated Committees” as “Other Committees”. The proposed language also clarifies that an athlete representative on an “Other Committee” must be an “Actively Engaged Athlete” as defined in the Bylaws.
With prior approval of the USOPC and the USAT Athletes Advisory Council, the proposed Bylaw updates the definition of who qualifies as an “Actively Engaged Athlete” including an Elite 10 Year or Elite 10+ Year Athlete in Section 6.8, “or alternatively, an athlete who has held an elite license with USAT in the last 10 years.” Other language in the proposed Bylaws was deleted for the language to be consistent with the proposed language.
In Section 6.3, Athlete Director, the proposed language corrects the name of the USOPC Athlete Commission (previously called the USOPC Athletes Advisory Council).
Review complete bylaws in Policies and Procedures.
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Henry Brandon Elected as USA Triathlon Board of Directors Chair, Dylan Sorensen Elected Vice Chair, Tim Yount appointed to World Triathlon Age-Group Commission
Chelsea Burns Re-Elected as Athlete Representative for USA Triathlon Athletes’ Advisory Council
Notice Regarding 2023 Board of Directors Election
Proposed USA Triathlon Bylaw Changes - Posted 6/23/23