USA Triathlon Certified Coaches are a vital part of our success in the mission to grow, inspire and support the triathlon community. USA Triathlon is dedicated to providing you unparalleled resources to ensure you are qualified, confident and successful throughout your coaching career.

If you have any questions, please contact

Benefits of Coaching Certification#

  • Multisport Courses and Education

    • Access to coach specific continuing education courses
  • Insurance Coverage

    • General Liability Insurance Coverage (USA residents only)

  • Exclusive Marketing Opportunities

    • Use of the USA Triathlon Certified Coach Logo
  • Discounts and Freebies

  • NCAA Coaching

    • Hiring preference for open NCAA collegiate varsity triathlon coach positions

USA Triathlon has devleoped a six-step development process for mutlisport coaches:

  1. Associate Coach or Level I
  2. Level II
  3. Level III

Find more information about each step below. Also, coaches are required to hold current SafeSport and "green light" background check at all times.

Once you've completed the core coaching courses, you can begin the Level I certification course. This is your last step to becoming a USA Triathlon Certified Coach!

USA Triathlon’s Online Level I Coach Certification Course educates aspiring coaches on how to train their athletes on different aspects of triathlon. Coaches will learn how to design a training plan geared toward their athlete’s needs in addition to:

  • strength-specific training and key workouts
  • mechanics and skills of swimming, cycling and running
  • nutrition periodization
  • mental skills

Once the USAT Online Level I Coach Certification Course is completed, coach certification candidates must then upload verification of the remaining coach certification requirements. Candidates then have six weeks to submit the remaining coach certification requirements. Upon submission, USAT Staff reviews the submission for accuracy and completion. Once submission is approved, official USA Triathlon Level I Coach Certification is awarded.  

Register for Level I Now

For a USA Triathlon Level I Certified Coach to be eligible to advance to Level II, they must meet all required criteria and have earned a minimum of eight Professional Advancement Units (PAUs). PAU were developed to provide flexibility for coaches with different professional experience to be considered for advancement.

  • Minimum two years as USA Triathlon Level I Certified Coach
  • Coaching resume

USA Triathlon’s Level III Coaching Certification is designed to select and develop elite, international-caliber coaches capable of delivering the highest standard of practical athlete development expertise. The program gives prospective candidates the opportunity to develop more specialized practical coaching skills, improve performance planning and analysis, and learn organizational techniques through active learning exercises and interactions with the Education Staff of USA Triathlon and the United States Olympic & Paralympic Committee. The Level III Certification is highly selective, and candidates must satisfy the following to be considered.