Event Day Resources

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On race day, safety is the top priority for athletes and race organizers alike. Whether you're an experienced triathlete or a race director - or new to the sport, having the right resources at your fingertips can make all the difference. From understanding the latest safety protocols to ensuring your equipment is ready for peak performance, preparation is key. Explore our Event Day Resources to equip yourself with the tools and information needed to keep your race safe, successful, and enjoyable for everyone involved.

Mandatory Reporting

USA Triathlon requires the reporting of sexual, emotional or physical misconduct by any member to either the U.S. Center for SafeSport or to USA Triathlon.

The U.S. Center for SafeSport has exclusive jurisdiction over allegations of sexual misconduct. If you have reasonable suspicion of sexual misconduct or harassment, child abuse (including child sexual abuse) or intimate relationships involving an imbalance of power, you must make a report to both the U.S. Center for SafeSport and law enforcement and comply with any other applicable reporting requirements under state law. To report a concern directly to the Center by phone, please call 833-5US-SAFE (587-7233). You can also submit an online report

The Center also may exercise discretionary jurisdiction over and accepts reports of emotional and physical misconduct (including but not limited to bullying, hazing, stalking and harassment), and MAAPP violations. Reports of emotional and physical misconduct and MAAPP violations may also be reported directly to USA Triathlon. You can report a concern to USA Triathlon via online reporting form or email at trisafe@usatriathlon.org.

SafeSport and MAAPP Resources#

  • SafeSport Policy

    Safe Sport Policy, opens in a new tab
  • MAAPP (Minor Athlete Abuse Prevention Policies)

    MAAPP, opens in a new tab
  • Race Director Provided Signage and Guide

    Race Director Provided Signage and Guide, opens in a new tab

Find more information on specific requirements for Athletic Trainers, Physical Therapists and Massage Therapists here.

If you are going to be performing any athletic training, physical therapy, or a massage on a minor athlete, you must obtain written permission from the Minor Athlete’s Parent or Legal Guardian, using the Minor Consent Form.

Please submit all signed consent forms to eventtrisafe@usatriathlon.org

Any allegations of sexual misconduct or child abuse must be reported to the Center and law enforcement immediately. For any other forms of abuse, such as mental or physical abuse, please report them to USA Triathlon so they can take the necessary steps to address the situation. Your safety and well-being are our top priority.