• FAQs

Do I have to use the most current version of the USA Triathlon logo?
Yes. Please delete any old versions of the logo you have.

Where can I find all the information about the new logo?
Download the USA Triathlon Logo Standards packet (PDF). This has a logo usage guide that will provide all the information you need to know.

Can I change the colors in the logo?

Can I change the shape of the logo?

Can I put it on the event website with my sponsors?

Can I put it on the event website with my sponsors if there is space around it?

Maybe. If the location is such that it looks like USA Triathlon is one of your event's sponsors or partners, then no. If there is space and delineation using graphic design such that there is no apparent spatial relationship to your event's partners and sponsors, then yes.

Can I just make it gray?

No, the colors can't be changed.

It does not fit in the space I have. Can I resize it?

Yes, but the proportions of the mark can't be altered. See the logo usage guide for the minimum and maximum sizes allowed.

Can I just grab the USA Triathlon logo from your website and use it? That would be so much easier!

Sorry, but no. The USA Triathlon logo is trademarked and protected by law. The sanction agreement contract states that the RD has agreed to proper logo use.

If you have any questions about the sanctioning process, please email us at EventServices@usatriathlon.org or call (719) 884-5612. Our Event Services Team looks forward to working with you and building a relationship to continue fueling the multisport life style.