Welcome to the Race Director Marketplace, exclusively for USA Triathlon Race Directors.
The Race Director Marketplace is your home for exclusive, special offers from USA Triathlon partners and other best-in-class brands. From hydration partners to signage companies, award vendors and more, here in the Race Director Marketplace you'll find the best, exclusive deals to make event planning a breeze.
Interested in having your brand, or a preferred vendor be included in the marketplace? Please have a company representative fill out this form.
Featured Offer#
Complimentary Course Hydration Gatorade Endurance
Complete Application, opens in a new tab
Event Technology#
$100 Back & Full Control
Connect, opens in a new tabUsed for all USAT-owned events, TicketSocket allows clients to create, manage, and sell registrations with full client control of revenue, customer data and brand. RDs get paid quickly, have customer support, and tools to increase reg. $100 USAT sanction fee credit for platform demo.
Up to 33% Savings on Comms Mgmt
Request Details, opens in a new tabConnect teams via mobile and desktop for integrated incident management, dynamic operations, and collaboration with live data to advise decisions, stay informed and reduce stress. USAT RDs save up to 33% with complimentary hazard and incident modules.
Hydration & Nutrition#
Complimentary On-Course Hydration
Complete Application, opens in a new tabThe USAT Gatorade Endurance Race Director Program provides complimentary product to eligible USAT-sanctioned events with a minimum race distance of a sprint triathlon and 300+ athletes. Special exceptions are made for elevated-status races (e.g., state championships).
Free Mesh Signage with Purchase
Get A Quote, opens in a new tabAs USAT’s exclusive signage partner, ZMG supports the ongoing needs of RDs by providing high-quality, low-cost signage and print collateral. Products include mesh fencing, feather flags, directional signage, brochures and more. RDs receive free 50ft fence mesh with purchase.
30% off Base Vehicle Rental Rates
Copy Link, opens in a new tabCar rental discounts for you and your athletes with up to 30% off base rates. Individuals can use code # H742900 when booking to receive a discount. Use the link below on your event webpage and email marketing@usatriathlon.org if you’d like a copy of the Avis logo.
35% off Base Vehicle Rental Rates
Copy Link, opens in a new tabCar rental discounts for you and your athletes with up to 35% off base rates. Individuals can use code # D505200 when booking to receive a discount. Use the link below on your event webpage and email marketing@usatriathlon.org if you’d like a copy of the Budget logo.
Free Mesh Signage with Purchase
Get a Quote, opens in a new tabAs USAT’s exclusive promotional product partner, ZMG supports ongoing RD needs by providing high-quality, low-cost branded-products including t-shirts, imprinted water bottles, cooling towels, silicone wristbands and so much more. RDs receive free 50ft mesh with purchase.
5 Free Pairs of Goggles
EMAIL TO CLAIM OFFER, opens in a new tabAs USA Triathlon's exclusive goggle partner we want to support you by offering you 5 free pairs of goggles to use as prizes on race day. In addition, we offer you the opportunity to make commission on all ZONE3 goggle sales generated through your comms to your community, as well as significant discounts on our goggle range.